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What is naturallwine? Four things good to know

Updated: Sep 5

Natural Wine starts in the Vineyard

We are passionate about sustainable farming and promoting soil health & biodiversity. We support vintners with the same passions, farming with organic or bio-organic methods.  The grapes for our Natural Wines are grown without chemical pesticides/herbicides/fungicides.  The connection between the vintner and grapevine is key in the vineyard.  No machines are used, rather the skilled care of trusted hands. Only rainwater reaches the roots, not polluted municipal water (which contains hormones and chemicals like Glyphosate.  With only natural rainwater the roots grow deep and strong, giving the vine a natural endurance and strength.  All resulting in a delicious grape harvest.

Respecting Nature In the Winery Cellar

Natural wine vintners aim to produce wine in its purest natural expression. "Nothing added, nothing taken away", a result of using the least amount of human intervention possible, and few or no additives. Natural winemakers rely on native yeast on the grapes, to set off natural fermentation. Most conventional winemakers, use additives in the winemaking process (like fake oak flavour, fish parts, egg white, acid, sugar, etc.) On the contrary, natural wine making respects nature's intelligence.   Traditional winemaking methods are often employed, time tested and proven to be beneficial to the environment, the consumer ... and quality of wine! 

The Vintner connects it all together

Natural wine is created both in the vineyard and cellar, with numerous decisions by the vintner along the winemaking journey, determining the resulting wine’s natural essence. When making Natural Wine, the vintner takes a nurturing role, not a dominating role as practiced in current commercial/conventional wine production. Due to the size of large commercial wineries there is a significant disconnect between the vintner, the vines, the grapes, and the wine. In contrast, the vintner's proud established connection with the vines and grapes, and love of pure winemaking, is all reflected in the resulting quality wines.

The Bottle of Natural Wine 

The finished product, the wine, is tested for purity and our natural criteria: organic or biodynamic farming, artisan winemaking with natural yeasts and additive free, for a quality wine product low in alcohol with little to no sugars and sulphites. 


Transparency, giving you full choice.  In contrast, conventional wines can contain over 100 additives with no ingredient lists. 

Quality is not just defined by a price tag.  It is formed from the value it brings, ultimately Quality of Life!

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